
👩🏻‍💻 My research explores the intersection of emerging technologies with historical contexts, contemporary politics, and geopolitical narratives through a feminist Science and Technology Studies (STS) lens. Here is a brief overview of some projects that I have been working on:

Ethics & Policy of Technology in South Korea

Through various case studies, I explore how technoutopian and colonial discourses shape technological advancements and policy-making in South Korea. More specifically, I have been looking at the discourses surrounding the Lee Luda chatbot scandal, which brought together diverse stakeholders, including lawmakers, academics, and industry professionals, to grapple with the growing influence of AI within the digital space in South Korea.

Human-Machine Relations, Emotion & Intimacy

I am interested in the evolving dynamics of human-machine interaction within virtual environments, specifically about user engagement and immersion through emerging interactive technologies such as video games and the metaverse.

Transnational Media & Information Systems

I am participating in a project that explores the spread of mis- and disinformation across Asian diasporic communities within the US. Currently, I am in the process of creating a Korean media primer -- a much needed resource as our understanding of the unique media environment of each diasporic community remains limited, often overshadowed by a Western-centric focus.